The reading process of dynamic text – A linguistic approach to an eye movement study


Selina Shaminin ja Liisa Tiittulan kanssa kirjoittamani artikkeli silmänliikkeiden ja liikkuvan tekstin kielellisen prosessoinnin suhteesta on nyt julkaistu SKY Journal of Linguistics -lehdessä. Artikkeli liittyy Suomen Akatemian rahoittamaan kirjoitustulkkausprojektiin, jossa työskentelin tutkijatohtorina vuosina 2011-2012.

Tässä artikkelin abstrakti: 

“Using eye-movement analysis, the article examines the reading process of speech-to-text interpretation involving dynamic text emerging letter by letter on the screen. The article focuses on regressions of gaze as well as on their relationship to linguistic factors in order to reveal how the reader’s gaze behaviour reflects the reading process of dynamic text. The data come from an experiment where participants read a dynamic text on a computer screen. The results showed that the first and second landing points of regressions were generally (90.8%) content words, even though the proportion of content words in the whole data set was only 57.1%. The test subjects looked for nouns, verbs and adjectives in order to construct the meaning of what they had just read. Nouns were the most likely landing points of regressions. The landing points of regressions reflected the reading process through which the meaning of the text was constructed. In this kind of dynamic text, a typical cause of regressions seems to be incoherence resulting from omissions.”

Ja tässä artikkelin viite:

  • Sharmin, Selina; Wiklund, Mari & Tiittula Liisa (2016): The Reading Process of Dynamic Text – A Linguistic Approach to an Eye Movement Study. SKY Journal of Linguistics 29: 2016, 119-146 (julkaistu myös internetissä).

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